Research Directory Details | National Medical Research Register

A Study on Effectiveness of Antiemetic Usage Among Cancer Children at Hospital Kuala Lumpur.

A Study on Effectiveness of Antiemetic Usage Among Cancer Children at Hospital Kuala Lumpur.

Epidemiology Antiemetic Cancer Children

General Information
Date of NMRR Registration
17/01/2007 06:54:00
Type of Submission
Investigator Initiated Research (IIR)
Protocol ID
Research Scope
Public Health / Epidemiology
Research Type
Public Health / Epidemiology
Study Information
RMK Priority Area
Research Area

Disease Area

Investigational Product/ Process /Intervention
Research Level
Research Description/ Research Lay Summary
This is a prospective study over 1 year duration on all paediatric oncology patients admitted for chemotherapy at Ward KK3, Paediatric Institute, Hospital Kuala Lumpur.
Patients are selected based on the diagnosis and the selected chemotherapy. Mother’s patients are informed about the study and will be provided antiemetic form to record.All the eligible patients will be given IV granisetron prior to chemotherapy at the dose of 0.04mg/kg stat dose, or regular twice daily if still having vomiting despite the prophylaxis.Patient’s mother/guardian will record all episodes of nausea or vomiting or retching in diaries. All information data are collected using Anti-emetic Study Form. All information data are being analysis using SPSS and Excel 2000 including chi-square t-test when appropriate. This analyzed data will be presented in descriptive and inferential forms such as table, graph, bar chart, pie chart and others.
Research Keyword
Antiemetic Granisetron Cancer Children
Research Objective
To study the effectiveness of anti-emetic, Granisetron (Kytril®) among paediatric cancer patients at Ward KK3, Paediatric Institute of Hospital Kuala Lumpur.
Inclusion & Exclusion Criteria
Inclusion Criteria
Exclusion Criteria
Study Timeline
Expected / Actual Date Study Starts - First Enrolment of subject / Collecting data
Mar, 01 2007
Expected / Actual Date Study Completed
Mar, 29 2008
Expected / Actual Duration of Study Enrollment / Data Collection
56 weeks
Subject (Sample Size) Description
Age Range :
Gender :
Outcome Measure

Biospecimen Collection & Archiving

Current Study Status
Not Yet Recruiting
Sites Description
No. of site :
Sites List
Kuala Lumpur Hospital
Team Members
Principal Investigator Information
Mr Rizal Husaini Bin Razali
Hospital Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur Hospital
Ethical Application Status
Study URL
Individual Clinical Trial Participant–level Data of Individual Participant Data (IPD) Sharing
Result Summary