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Observational Study on Acute Skin Toxicity Associated With Hypofractionated Radiotherapy To Whole Breast Based On UK FAST FORWARD Protocol

Observational Study on Acute Skin Toxicity Associated With Hypofractionated Radiotherapy To Whole Breast Based On UK FAST FORWARD Protocol

Observational study on acute skin toxicity associated with breast radiotherapy treatment

General Information
Date of NMRR Registration
13/05/2021 15:21:58
Type of Submission
Investigator Initiated Research (IIR)
Protocol ID
Research Scope
Research Type
Study Information
RMK Priority Area
Research Area

Disease Area

Investigational Product/ Process /Intervention
Research Level
Research Description/ Research Lay Summary
Adjuvant locoregional radiotherapy after primary surgery for early breast cancer using moderately hypofractionation regime 40 Gy in 15 fractions over 3 weeks has been the standard of care in our country for years.

During COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, we foresee the needs to keep patient’s hospital visits to the absolute minimal and reduce the resources straining therapy where possible to ease the workload of our healthcare workforce. According to international guidelines on radiation therapy for breast cancer during the COVID -19 pandemic, approach involving fewest patient visits and duration without compromising oncological outcome is recommended.

UK FAST FORWARD phase 3 study of hypofractionated schedules results confirm that 26 Gy in 5 fractions is as effective and safe as an international standard15 fractions regimen after primary surgery for early breast cancer. We carried out research among this group of patients to find out the acute / early toxicities associated with this new treatment approach.
Research Keyword
acute skin toxicity , hypofractionated radiotherapy to breast or chest wall , FAST FORWARD
Research Objective
1. To collect and analyze data of patients who received FAST FORWARD breast radiotherapy planning including site of treatment, demographic, acute / early skin toxicity – severity and duration
Inclusion & Exclusion Criteria
Inclusion Criteria
Inclusion Criteria :

4.1.1 Patients who had undergone either breast conservation surgery or mastectomy, pathological reported T1-3 lesion with complete resection, irrespective of estrogen/ progesterone and HER-2 receptor status , whether they have received neoadjuvant chemotherapy or not
4.1.2 Patient who underwent sentinel lymph node biopsy or axillary lymphadenectomy and reported with no node’s involvement
4.1.3 Patient who will receive radiotherapy to whole breast only , chest wall or whole breast plus tumour bed boost
4.1.4 A performance status score of 0-2 according to Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) criteria

Exclusion Criteria :

4.2.1. Patient with DCIS disease , ipsilateral microinvasive disease or non-gradeable tumour, previous breast cancer history
4.2.2 No concurrent chemotherapy allowed
4.2.3 Positive nodal disease at axillary, interpectoral and supraclavicular fossa
Exclusion Criteria
Inclusion Criteria :

4.1.1 Patients who had undergone either breast conservation surgery or mastectomy, pathological reported T1-3 lesion with complete resection, irrespective of estrogen/ progesterone and HER-2 receptor status , whether they have received neoadjuvant chemotherapy or not
4.1.2 Patient who underwent sentinel lymph node biopsy or axillary lymphadenectomy and reported with no node’s involvement
4.1.3 Patient who will receive radiotherapy to whole breast only , chest wall or whole breast plus tumour bed boost
4.1.4 A performance status score of 0-2 according to Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) criteria

Exclusion Criteria :

4.2.1. Patient with DCIS disease , ipsilateral microinvasive disease or non-gradeable tumour, previous breast cancer history
4.2.2 No concurrent chemotherapy allowed
4.2.3 Positive nodal disease at axillary, interpectoral and supraclavicular fossa
Study Timeline
Expected / Actual Date Study Starts - First Enrolment of subject / Collecting data
Jul, 20 2021
Expected / Actual Date Study Completed
Jan, 21 2022
Expected / Actual Duration of Study Enrollment / Data Collection
26 weeks
Subject (Sample Size) Description
Age Range :
Gender :
Outcome Measure
1. To elicit the proportion of patients with grade 3 and above acute skin toxicity ( RTOG and CTCAE classification ) at any time from the start of radiotherapy to 6 weeks after completion of radiotherapy

1. To elicit the proportion of patient with any acute skin toxicity , defined as the worst grade reported from the start of radiotherapy till 6 weeks post radiotherapy
2. To elicit the proportion of patient with acute skin toxicity during radiotherapy, defined as the worst grade reported from the start to the end of radiotherapy
3. To elicit the proportion of patient with acute skin toxicity post radiotherapy, defined as the worst grade reported from at completion of radiotherapy until at least 6 weeks post radiotherapy
4. To report clinical toxicity and outcomes on review of 3month and 6month post radiotherapy
Biospecimen Collection & Archiving

Current Study Status
Not Yet Recruiting
Sites Description
No. of site :
Sites List
Institut Kanser Negara
Team Members
Principal Investigator Information
Dr Chen May Feng
Ethical Application Status
Study URL
Individual Clinical Trial Participant–level Data of Individual Participant Data (IPD) Sharing
Result Summary