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Incidence, Risk Factors and Visual Outcome of Postoperative Endophthalmitis in Ministry of Health from 2012-2020

Incidence, Risk Factors and Visual Outcome of Postoperative Endophthalmitis in Ministry of Health from 2012-2020


General Information
Date of NMRR Registration
19/05/2021 07:43:52
Type of Submission
Investigator Initiated Research (IIR)
Protocol ID
Research Scope
Case Study / Report / Clinical Audit
Research Type
Clinical Audit / Quality Assurance / Quality Control
Study Information
RMK Priority Area
Research Area

Disease Area

Investigational Product/ Process /Intervention
Research Level
Research Description/ Research Lay Summary
To compare the incidence of POE in MOH hospitals versus outreach locations
To identify the risk factors for endophthalmitis in post cataract surgery
• Demographic information of interest included age, gender, ethnicity and medical illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension and renal disease.
• Ocular comorbidities included preoperative visual acuity (VA), cause of cataract (except traumatic cataract), glaucoma, uveitis, pseudoexfoliation and diabetic retinopathy.
• Intraoperative details comprised of surgeon status, type of admission, duration and type of surgery, anaesthesia used, intraocular lens (IOL) information, posterior capsular rupture (PCR), vitreous loss and zonular dehiscence.
• Postoperative details of subjects’ visual acuity at final ophthalmological follow-up

To evaluate visual outcome for patients who had endophthalmitis post cataract surgery

To analyse the two different databases for endophthalmitis in the national eye database for accuracy and underreporting.
Research Keyword
Post operative endophthalmitis
visual outcome
Research Objective
This study is designed to determine the incidence, risk factors and visual outcomes of subjects with POE in hospital based and outreach in MOH from 2012 until 2020
Inclusion & Exclusion Criteria
Inclusion Criteria
Exclusion Criteria
Study Timeline
Expected / Actual Date Study Starts - First Enrolment of subject / Collecting data
Jun, 01 2021
Expected / Actual Date Study Completed
May, 31 2023
Expected / Actual Duration of Study Enrollment / Data Collection
104 weeks
Subject (Sample Size) Description
Age Range :
Gender :
Outcome Measure

Biospecimen Collection & Archiving

Current Study Status
Sites Description
No. of site :
Sites List
Team Members
Principal Investigator Information
Dr Durgavashini A/P Govinda Raju
Ethical Application Status
Study URL
Individual Clinical Trial Participant–level Data of Individual Participant Data (IPD) Sharing
Result Summary