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Mycology Of Superficial Cutaneous, Hair And Nail Fungal Infection Among Patients Attending Dermatology Clinic At Hospital Melaka

Mycology Of Superficial Cutaneous, Hair And Nail Fungal Infection Among Patients Attending Dermatology Clinic At Hospital Melaka

Mycology Of Superficial Cutaneous, Hair And Nail Fungal Infection

General Information
Date of NMRR Registration
09/05/2021 08:37:14
Type of Submission
Investigator Initiated Research (IIR)
Protocol ID
Research Scope
Public Health / Epidemiology
Research Type
Study Information
RMK Priority Area
Not Relevant
Research Area
Disease Area
Diseases of the skin
Certain skin disorders attributable to infection or infestation
Certain skin disorders attributable to fungal infection
Investigational Product/ Process /Intervention
Research Level
Fellowship / Subspecialise Study
Research Description/ Research Lay Summary
Patients with clinical suspicious of dermatomycoses that visit Dermatology Clinic, Hospital Melaka from 5 August 2021 until 5 June 2022 will be included in study. Those selected patients must not been receiving any antifungal medication within past 6 months. A sample will be collected from suspected tinea corporis (ring-shaped rash that is itchy, red, scaly and slightly raised), tinea capitis (scaly erythematous lesions and hair loss or alopecia over scalp) and onychomycosis (yellow nail discoloration, thickening of the nail, and separation of the nail from the nail bed) lesion after seen by a dermatologist. In this study, the list of fungal pathogens to be detected include dermatophytes (Trichophyton, Microsporum and Epidermophyton species), yeasts (Candida, Trichosporon and Malassezia species) and non-dermatophyte moulds (Aspergillus, Fusarium).

The clinical samples that will be collected for this study will include skin scrapings, nail clippings and hair pluckings. The clinical samples will be collected after obtaining proper informed consent. The suspected dermatomycoses lesion will be cleaned with 70% alcohol. The skin scrapings will be collected from the active edges of the lesion with a sterile blunt scalpel. The infected nail will be clipped with nail clippers and infected hair will be epilated from the scalp lesion with sterile forceps. A part of each of these samples will be used for KOH mount examination and fungal culture. All samples of skin scrapping, nail clipping and hair plucking will be subjected to direct microscopic examination with 10%-20% potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution and fungal culture in Sabouraud dextrose agar tubes with chloramphenicol. For fungal culture test, the clinical samples will be seeded on the surface of agar media, incubated at 30 degree celcius and culture growth will be analyzed daily. The isolates will be identified by examination of the cultural characteristics and microscopic morphology. Cultures without growth during a period of up to four weeks were considered negative.
The remaining samples will be used for fungal DNA extraction and PCR. For fungal PCR test, conventional PCR will be used. Fungal PCR will be performed using primers that amplify the Internal Transcribed Spacer regions, (ITS1 and ITS2 regions) of the ribosomal DNA of all fungi. Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) is a region that are recommended for highly variable sequences of great importance in distinguishing fungal species by PCR analysis. These primers will amplify a wide range of fungal targets and work well to analyze DNA isolated from individual organisms. The ITS primers that will be used in this experiment are ITS 1 for Forward sequence of 5’-TCC GTA GGT GAA CCT GCG G-3’ and ITS 4- 5’/5Biosg/TCC TCC GCT TAT TGA TAT GC- 3’ as well as DNA amplification methods suggest in One Taq DNA Polymerase kit for 35 cycles. After PCR, the amplified DNA fragments will be detected using 1.5% agarose gels and will be exposed to UV light and photographed. The amplified DNA will be sequenced and further analyze to identify the fungal species. Results will be present in table. All excess/leftover biological samples will be discarded.
Research Keyword
Mycology Of Superficial Cutaneous, Hair And Nail Fungal Infection Among Patients Attending Dermatology Clinic At Hospital Melaka
Research Objective
1. To determine prevalence of dermatomycoses among patients attending Dermatology Clinic at Hospital Melaka.|2.To assess patients demography, occupation, site of dermatomycoses lesion and type of fungal culture grown.
Inclusion & Exclusion Criteria
Inclusion Criteria
Patients of all age included vulnerable subjects (minor) with age range 7-12 years old and age range 13 to less than 18 years old with clinical suspicious of dermatomycoses that visit Dermatology Clinic, Hospital Melaka will be included in the study.
Exclusion Criteria
Patients had previously treated with antifungal medication in the past 6 months will be excluded.|Patients do not give consent will be excluded.
Study Timeline
Expected / Actual Date Study Starts - First Enrolment of subject / Collecting data
Feb, 01 2022
Expected / Actual Date Study Completed
Jun, 05 2022
Expected / Actual Duration of Study Enrollment / Data Collection
17 weeks
Subject (Sample Size) Description
Age Range : 0 - 100
Gender : Involve All Gender
Outcome Measure

Biospecimen Collection & Archiving

Current Study Status
Not Applicable
Sites Description
No. of site : 2
Sites List
Institute for Medical Research (IMR)-Jalan Pahang
Team Members
Principal Investigator Information
Dr Ng Lim Chui
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Ethical Application Status
Study URL
Not Available
Individual Clinical Trial Participant–level Data of Individual Participant Data (IPD) Sharing
Result Summary