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Correlation of Muslim Praying Ability Scale and Lower Extremity Functional Scale in Muslim Patients with Lower Limb Fracture

Correlation of Muslim Praying Ability Scale and Lower Extremity Functional Scale in Muslim Patients with Lower Limb Fracture


General Information
Date of NMRR Registration
22/05/2021 17:20:28
Type of Submission
Investigator Initiated Research (IIR)
Protocol ID
Research Scope
Health management
Research Type
Health management
Study Information
RMK Priority Area
Research Area

Disease Area

Investigational Product/ Process /Intervention
Research Level
Research Description/ Research Lay Summary
This study aims to determine the correlation of MPAS with LEFS. A good correlation will enable clinicians to utilize both psychometrics in assessing the overall physical condition of Muslim patients in addition to praying ability. Correspondingly, this study aims to ratify the validity and reliability of MPAS in lower limb fracture patients. Therefore, the concept of ibadah friendly hospital can be further reinforced by providing clinicians with simple and practical tool to assess praying ability. Acknowledging specific limitations in performing prayer according to MPAS will aid clinicians in assisting patients and thus establishing holistic care in Muslim patients with lower limb fractures.
Research Keyword
Praying, Muslim, Fracture, Scale
Research Objective
i. To determine the correlation of Muslim praying ability scale (MPAS) with lower extremity functional scale (LEFS) in Muslim patients with lower limb fracture
ii. To investigate the praying ability with MPAS in Muslim patients with femoral and tibial fracture
iii. To study functional activity level with LEFS in Muslim patients with femoral and tibial fracture
iv. To establish the correlation of MPAS with LEFS in Muslim patients with femoral and tibial fracture
v. To determine the reliability of MPAS in assessing praying ability in Muslim patients with femoral and tibial fracture
vi. To evaluate the construct validity with confirmatory factor analysis of MPAS in Muslim patients with femoral and tibial fracture
Inclusion & Exclusion Criteria
Inclusion Criteria
Exclusion Criteria
Study Timeline
Expected / Actual Date Study Starts - First Enrolment of subject / Collecting data
Aug, 01 2021
Expected / Actual Date Study Completed
Jan, 31 2022
Expected / Actual Duration of Study Enrollment / Data Collection
26 weeks
Subject (Sample Size) Description
Age Range :
Gender :
Outcome Measure

Biospecimen Collection & Archiving

Current Study Status
Sites Description
No. of site :
Sites List
Team Members
Principal Investigator Information
Dr Syed Mohd Esmat Hussaini Bin Syed Mohd Ridzuan
Sultanah Fatimah Specialist Hospital Muar
Ethical Application Status
Study URL
Individual Clinical Trial Participant–level Data of Individual Participant Data (IPD) Sharing
Result Summary